"Mom and Dad welcome to the Terrible Twos"

Monday, July 19, 2010
Tonight was by far one of the worst nights in all of my mommy days. Now I love Zack with all my heart but since he was 3 months old I had him sleeping in his own bed and falling asleep on his own. He has grown to not only love his bed but he used to get excited at bedtime. Steven and I were planning on waiting until he was 2 to switch him to a toddler bed because we felt that is a good age for him to understand bedtime. As of right now he is for sure not ready for that big of a step into his toddler years. Everything was going well he was waking up at 8am then taking his normal 2 hour nap at 11am-1pm and then we would get him ready for bed with a warm bath, comfy pjs, and a book then on the dot at 8pm we would lay him down to sleep and he wouldn't make a peep (most of the time). And then yesterday happened nothing special about the day just a random day but we will remember July 19th 2010 as the day IT happened. You may be wondering what IT is well watch the video below and continue reading.....

As you can see our little Zacky has learned to successfully climb out of his crib. I must say that I am actually somewhat proud of him for this little milestone. This video shows his strength and how he has learned to do something of this measure but this is NOT a good thing. He is for sure not ready for a toddler bed. Tonight was very difficult I would lay him down and then he would climb out and come after me. I repeated this 12 times until he cried himself to sleep. I am the type of mom that believes in the cry it out method and it works for us but man. Steven and I are not used to this and it'll take some time to get used. At least after the 12th time he got the idea to stay in bed and just fall asleep. I really hope he doesn't hate me in the morning. Hopefully he doesn't wake me up by standing next to my bed in the morning. And I hope he stays in his bed all night. Let's just say the baby monitor is set to high tonight. Well I hope you enjoyed the funny video. I managed to catch him today on camera and it made my day. I am very happy our little Houdini is fast asleep now. So have a safe night and goodnight from the 3 of us.

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