Zackys 2 month well baby appointment was yesterday. Our little guy weighs 13 pounds 13 ounces and is 23 inches long. Its hard to believe that he was 7 pounds 9 ounces and 19 inches long only about 3 months ago. They really do grow fast. The doctor was very impressed with the wiggle worm. Zack was holding up his head and rolling over on the table. He's such a little show off. He was smiling nice and big at him too. And then came his Vaccines...I think i took it harder than he did. He cried for awhile but I think the tylenol kicked in and he fell asleep. Just the look he gave me before the nurse gave him his shots was like "mommy why arent you stopping this? Why are you holding me down?" Thats what broke my heart was he was looking up at me the whole time crying with tears on his little cheeks and i couldnt do anything. Of course I didnt cry till the drive home. All in all he reacted well to the vaccines no side effects at all. So were very happy about that.
Another update is formula is going well. Im still a klutz at doing it on outings. But im learning and he's happily getting used to it. I dont even think he notices the difference. I sure do though, no spit up and his diapers have changed. But he's my little tough guy and im so proud that he is thriving so well.
With love
Congrats!! You are such a great Mom!