"Look Mommy I'm flying!"

"I am chinese if you please."

"Oh oh oh Im doing it im doing it!!! Dont make me laugh"

"I am a big boy now"

"Oh no! Im falling!"

Well Zack's doing tons of new things. Like trying to sit up and holding himself up while on his tummy much better. He is growing so fast! I told him not to start driving until daddy gets home. He does everything he's expected to do and so much more and he's only 4 months. I better baby proof this place because he will be crawling soon.
Yesterday was his 4 month check-up. He weigh 17.8 Ibs and is 25 in. long. He got his shots and it was worse this time for some reason I think its because he's older and more alert. At least they were easier on me. I didnt cry as hard. He has recently developed a rash but no worried his doctor prescribed a moisturizer for that and it's already working! I hope everyone is doing well. 7 more days!!!
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