I love the way they play together. The love they have for each other is amazing. When Steven was deployed I prayed that they would have a close relationship. Sure enough they are closer than I think a father and son could be. When Steven gets home from work Zack runs to him and won't let him go until bedtime. He asks me for Daddy all day and duty days are the worst because instead of asking he begs for him. Of course when I am gone Steven does inform me that all Zack can talk about is MaMa. We are praying for another healthy and happy baby but deep down inside of me I want another little boy. Of course it will be nice to have everything already and not worry about buying new clothes and what not. I just want Steven to have another son to have this same relationship with. I am sure he would be a great Daddy to a little girl but there is just something different with a father son relationship that's just special. That is just what has been crossing my mind lately. Of course pray that this baby is a healthy, strong, beautiful, little blessing because that is what matters most.
Just an update on everything else going on. Zack is doing good he says his ABC's and 123's with me and also knows most of his colors. Our next ultrasound is April 16th! We are really excited about this appointment because we will get to see our baby and find out for sure what we are having. The baby has been moving around a lot and yes I can feel it. I am also showing but we will post a picture later on when I feel more comfortable. Next week is our next OB appointment so stay tuned for that post. Enjoy these last two pictures of Zack that I have managed to edit this evening. We love you all and will continue to keep you all updated.

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