And....that my loves is what Zack is saying to us when he has to go poop. Yes yes YES! He is finally potty trained...well...except at night but we will work on that later on. It took us 4 days to get him to this point. Both Steven and I had enough and let the little man run in his birthday suit. It was a VERY VERY long 4 days and everyones emotions were on turbo speed but he did it. I am one proud mama! He is very proud of himself too.....
He wanted to wear his cool Harley undies Stevens parents got him for his birthday and he rocked Daddies sunglasses. Now here's for the fun part. How did we do it? Sure running around in the nude isn't the only thing that we did. But it sure feels like it. We are in no way shape or form pros at the land of potty training but here is a few of our tips that helped us.
Tip #1 Buy a good potty. We tried the whole potty on the floor but it just wasn't happening for Zack. He is a little copycat and wants to do everything like Mommy and Daddy. So we invested in this one. I have forgotten what brand it is but it's cushioned and has some nice green handles. Zack even picked this one out. So I think that made him want to use it even more. Oh the toilet comes off and on real easily so it's easy for him to put on himself.
Tip #2 Reward Reward Reward! We did not like the whole give candy or TV time that others have used. So since I am cheap and frugal I just grabbed a piece of printer paper, taped it on the wall, pulled out 2 sheets of stickers from Zacks ever growing sticker stack, and let him pick 1 sticker for pee pee and 2 for poo poo. We even made this a little educational. One of the sticker sheets has the alphabet so he has to say what letter he wants instead of just pointing at it. As you can see he has a lot of stickers and he is so proud of them.
Tip #3 Let them be nude! This is the best part for them. Kids love to be naked and they have no care in the world to be naked. Don't you just love innocence?
Tip #4 Stay home- One big thing that kept throwing us off was leaving and putting the pull up back on him. So from Friday to Monday we kept him home 110%
Tip #5 This is mostly for boys but let them decide how they want to pee. Standing or sitting? Zack chose something along the lines of sitting. He is kind of squat/sitting....if that makes any sense. Sorry no pictures of that it's a little too much nakedness.
Tip # 6 Remind! I can't stress this enough! We did NOT force Zack to sit on the potty at a certain time. We just kept on asking him "Do you need to pee pee/poo poo?" which quickly turned into "Do you need to potty?" This just constantly reminded him that "Oh hey! I do need to go!" This saved us from messy floors and an aching back from constant scrubbing. Not once did he poop on the floor and only had 3 pee pee accidents. Thankfully none were on Eli.
So here we are...we have him telling us when he has to go and successfully going potty in public. I am so proud of my little guy. It's still shocking that he is potty trained he is growing way too fast for my liking but we are soooo close to not buying pull ups. He only gets them at night and nap time. So that is 2 a day. What a relief!
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