Well here we are again....:) we are down to the final 9 weeks. I have been waiting to say a single digit for quite some time. So here I go...
Now don't freak out just yet it's not like we haven't bought

anything we have it all from Zack. It's more of a let's get the energy on our much awaited weekend to get our room ready for what's to come. Do you understand how hard that really is? We both do so much during the week. Steven wakes up at 5am, busts his butt at work and gets home around 4pm. I am up at around 6am chasing around a toddler, cleaning a house that seems to get messy within 30 minutes of cleaning it and then making dinner so my two men aren't fending for themselves by eating cereal and cookies for dinner. So I guess it would be easy to say that we cherish our weekends. When Friday evening comes around we are so ready to just become beach/pool bums that I think Steven is wearing his swim trunks under his NWU's. I know everything will be done before Eli gets here but I can't help but worry that I will be fresh out of labor making Steven go home and decorate. I may even have him send me pictures so I can micro manage his work. So I guess I should stop complaining and just light a fire under my prego butt and get the ball rolling. Oh that is easier said than done.
At least last night I managed to knit a newborn baby in hat in get ready for it....3 HOURS! It was actually a very easy pattern and since newborns heads are so small it explains why I did it so fast. I am so proud of my work that I am posting pictures and the link I found the hat right now!

The great thing about the make your own zone is well she's amazing to say the least. All of her posts are pretty much little things you can do at home instead of spending money on them. Like laundry detergent, which yes I will be trying soon.
Back to the hat...since I made it so quickly I will be making many many many more. I plan on donating them to CHKD (Childrens Hospital of the King's Daughters. I will also be revising the pattern in other sizes to fit preemies to teenagers. Since CHKD is a childrens hospital they treat a lot of cancer patients and I think a nice beanie or stylish cap for the kids will be my good deed for this year. Check how you can give back to this wonderful hospital at this link http://www.chkd.org/Giving/
That is all I have for now. Of course I have more to talk about, this is me hellloooo! It's just 11:30pm and as I said earlier I wake up way too early for this none morning person. I love you all and hope your weekend has gone well. More posts coming actually tomorrow. As Z would say it NIGHT NIGHT!!!
P.S. The picture in our header is my lovely maternity shot. I figured why would I spend hundreds on maternity shots when I have a fancy pancy camera at home. So I made Steven take a picture that I have wanted for awhile and I did some editing. It's purty isn't it?
Hi, Lina! Came by for a visit. Love your blog. It is so sweet. =)