I always consider the last 10 weeks of pregnancy to be the final stretch (no pun intended) to a very long road. If you thought you were uncomfortable before the 30 week mark then boy oh boy! You are in for a LOOONNNGGGG 10 weeks. That's why I take all my pregnancy symptoms with a grain of salt. I know that it won't last forever and it's all for a good reason to be going through them. I think this pregnancy wasn't that bad aside from the morning sickness at the start things have been going pretty smoothly. They have also been speeding by WAY to fast. With Zack it felt like everyday second of everyday was an hour. I was so anxious to have things done for him and to meet him. With Eli I could honestly wait just a little longer (knock on wood) since I am busy all day doing other things with Zack. But like I said this is the last stretch for things and before we know it Eli will be in our arms. Every week from here on out I will be updating how things are going with the pregnancy. In new updates with things we got our 3d/4d ultrasound today. ELI IS FINALLY HEAD DOWN!!!! Thank you dear Lord our chances of c-section went down today. Unfortunately he is also extremely low already and the tech had a really hard time getting a good shot of his face. Below are the best ones out of the bunch. I hope you enjoy them!
Little chunky cheeks

He looks so much like Zack did when he was born

Yup still for sure a boy.

His big foot! Just like Daddy

Do you see the ear?

This was when he was being difficult but take a look at those neck rolls

Another face shot...so handsome
And here is just a reminder of what Zack looked like in the womb and a few days after birth. I think there are some similarities between them. The U/S pic for Zack was done at I believe 24 weeks. He wasn't as chunky but here you go.

Everyone have a wonderful 4th of July weekend. We will be at Busch Gardens for their firework show and then home. We really don't have much planned but I know we will have a great 4 day weekend. Love you all!
Lina, Steven, Zack and Eli
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