Busch Gardens

Saturday, July 2, 2011
This year we decided to finally get season passes for Busch Gardens and Watercountry. We have been thinking about getting one for the last few years that we have been here and on our last summer here we decided it was time to get them. You pretty much pay for one visit and get in whenever you want all year. It's a great deal and Zack loves both parks. We went with our good friend Sara, Gabe and their sweet little girl Ella. It's great for Zack because Ella is 5 months younger than him so he always has a playmate and oh boy they are sure a pair of gremlins when together. Sara is also expecting their 2nd baby, Liam, July 23rd so I have someone to complain about pregnancy woes with while Steven and Gabe talk about work stuff. We had such a great time at Busch Gardens. Zack got to play in the Sesame Street water area for awhile which was a lot of fun we then went and had some yummy BBQ. We also saw two shows that were AWESOME! Zack loved the animal show because well of course there's animals. The other show he lost interest in quite a lot. It was a river dance style show but they had one number with tap dancers that was loud, fast and upbeat. Zack enjoyed dancing along with them (or at least trying) then we had to leave because he got really bored. Enjoy the pictures!

Going into the park with his cool new shades
Playing in Sesame street with Daddy

After playing in the water all dry and watching the sesame street show

Him and his little buddy Ella

Trying to steal a kiss from Miss Ella....good boy Zack....but her Dad is right there

Watching the animal show

Enjoying all the little animals doing their sill tricks

Mommy and her baby boy!
Lovin on my Bear

Playing in the tree that talks.

riding on the mini clydesdales

His absolute favorite ride he went around a few times

Meeting a beautiful clydesdale!

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