As women we all have a tendency to multitask. Some of us are really good at it and some of us just fail. I think I fall in the failing part half the time and there's days where I am like "move over I am the queen of the world." Then you have some days where you look like this lady…
Today for me looked a lot like that. Crying baby with poop up his back, 3 year old running around like a maniac occasionally licking my arm, bad hair, no make-up, and ready to lock myself in a closet and cry. Then out of nowhere a sweet little 10 year old girl said to me "when i'm a mom I hope I am as pretty as you." Then her mom chimed in and said "I agree, I never left the house and wore sweatpants all day."
I seriously thought they were smoking some strong peyote. First off the 10 year old is way too young to be wanting kids run away child and wait till your 30 and secondly I had walked out the door with only eyeliner on one eye. I was wearing jeans and a t-shirt and my hair was tossed up in a bun on top of my head. I am pretty sure I also smelled like spoiled breast milk. Why I decided to leave the house in the first place is beyond me. Oh yeah because I wanted to take my kid to the only place where he's forced to be quiet….the library. I smile at the lovely wonderfully blind mother daughter duo and went on my way. Still confused I guess I looked better than what I thought and maybe Lady Gaga is trying to start a new fad with eye make-up on one eye. I will never know. What was your "What The?" moment today?
Happy 4th of July!
Thursday, July 5, 2012
I can't believe it's already July before I know it we will be celebrating a new year. As many parents know a babies first year goes by entirely too fast. Sure they grow like weeds regardless but that first year zooms by you in a heartbeat. I am sitting here with a sleeping boy next to me and I am in awe at how quickly 10 months have gone by. This time last year we were trying desperately to see the fireworks at Busch Gardens for the 4th. We got rained on but we still had a blast. This year we're in Japan and have an Eli in tow. We saw fireworks and ate some yummy burgers. Eli enjoyed some watermelon and Zack played with some new friends. It was a great 4th this year and we couldn't have asked for more in our lives.
Eli enjoyed watermelon. As of now this is his favorite thing to eat aside from breast milk.
The kids played hard and gave Steven a workout. Margot and Zack are like two peas in a pod and Eli just loves watching them.
Zack is on the left on his first 4th of July. He was about 7 1/2 months old. Eli is on the right and he is 10 months old. They are complete opposites. Zack in awe over fireworks…Eli has no picture of watching fireworks because he doesn't like them. Zack with his binky…Eli refuses binkies. Time sure does fly and I love them so much.
Ok I am going a little collage crazy here…sorry but here's our big boy Zack on all 4 of his 4th of Julys. From left to right 2009 7 months, 2010 1 year, 2011 2 years, 2012 3 years.
And here is Eli last year on 4th of July……
Hope you all have had a wonderful 4th of July and have enjoyed my picture explosion.
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