Dr. Mom/ Boogers

Sunday, January 22, 2012
What can I honestly say about boogers? I guess you can say they are like pringles, because "once you pop the fun won't stop." Except boogers are not fun, they're not even close being remotely fun. They are goopy and runny. Then just when you think they couldn't get worse than goopy and runny they dry quick. Like quicker than quick. If I could compare quick dry cement to boogers on which one dries the quickest...boogers would win.

This week we were infested with a case of the boogies. Everyone had it and 2 of us still do. The 2 that are still blowing snot bubbles is of course Zack and Eli. Now boogies don't bother me if let's say I have them or even Steven. It's when the kids have them that those little nasty goopy and runny things really get to me.
1. Kids don't know what to do about them.
2. Their first inclination is to pick them out and EAT THEM! Yuck!
3. They can't blow their nose and if their like Zack, who is still learning the art of blowing his nose, will breathe in or make a big farting noise with his mouth.
4. By the time you get to them armed with kleenex the boogies are already all over their hands, hair, and face. One time I even found some on Zacks foot. Seriously...was your foot the best place to wipe a booger?

Like I said we were all having congestion issues this week. Zack and Eli were full of nasty boogers and all we could do was go through 4 boxes of kleenex to prevent and rashes from forming on their upper lips. Of course all the wiping still caused some redness and irritation. To help with this irritation we are applying desitin clear to the spot and it's working like magic. It's just a thinner less abrasive vaseline for sensitive skin with the desitin brand name on it. All that matters to me is it works.

Next time you're plagued with the terrible boogers here's some tips.
-Dab don't wipe
-For babies, suck the boogers out before they become an issue. Use the bulb syringe you got at the hospital.
-Change your air filter it could be bad air affecting your nose.
-Stock up on saline is the most important tip. It just really helps with keeping your nose clear.

Hope this season you all stay booger free but if you're a mom like me we all that is impossible. 

All my love,

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