Christmas Fun!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Oh the Holidays....they came and went before I could even sing the first verse of Jingle Bells. This season was a very fun and eventful one. This was the first year that I think really think Z understood what was going on. So that made much more enjoyable for everyone.

As you all know Z goes to preschool. They had a Christmas program for the parents and it was so cute and fun. Z and his class sang a cute little song called "Dancing Snow" and it was by far the cutest thing ever. I don't have pictures from the program because it was just me that night since Steven had duty so I had to make the tough decision on whether to take pictures or make a video. I chose a video here it is below for your viewing pleasure. 

I am stepping into a new territory with Zacks school. I was so used to him being home with me all day. Now we have to have everything ready for the next day. I lay out his and mines clothes, pack him a healthy snack, and get him to bed on time. The mornings haven't been hectic at all since he has started that's mainly because my mini alarm clock (Eli) wakes me up at around 6am. So I usually feed him and he falls back to sleep this enables me to have 2 hours to get dressed and ready. I can even take a shower, blow dry my hair and GASP! Put on some make-up. That's not something a Mom of 2 should have time to do. That's actually unheard of in the world of a stay at home mom, it's just complete blasphemy. Ok...Ok I am sure you get the point back to his school. I am getting used to volunteering for his class and even making gifts for his teachers. It's a lot of fun but it does add more to my plate. I am happy to do it though. There's nothing better than being able to help in his class and see how he acts around his classmates and teachers. He is learning so much at school I am sometimes amazed at what his wonderful teachers have accomplished in just 4 months. So lucky to have a good husband who works hard to allow me to stay home with the boys.

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