Concentrating on grabbing his ele he needs to put down his nuby first

He's concentrating real hard on grabbing his ele
Well things have been going well. Ive been very busy working on Zacks nursery. We are almost done just a few more wall decorations and were done! Ill have pictures posted of his room very soon! Stevens doing well he will be home very soon to us. So i've also been very busy reorganizing and cleaning every inch of our place. Zack has a tooth coming in! I see it and feel it under his gum. but his gums have been swollen so the poor guy is hurting. He has been grabbing things like crazy. Then he puts them in his mouth. Sometimes he will stare at a toy and concentrate real hard then he will reach for it. He talks alot to just babbles about everything. When the tv is on he will talk back to all the people on the screen. Did i mention he loves tv. He rarely gets it but he will sit and stare when its on. He especially loves all the girls on american idol. Well ill post more next time. Have a very good day. With all our love!Zacky and Mamma
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