"Thats Right I'm Mommies All American Heartbreaker....at least thats what my shirt says."

"Dont take a picture of me while im farting mom!"

"How you doin'?"

"Yummy Fingers"
I know I seem to say this alot. But I cannot believe that Zack is 4 months old now. He has grown so much and is doing so well. Everyday is different for us and Im thankful for every minute i get to be with him. He is a happy chubby little boy. Smiles, Rolls and Giggles all day. Sleeping has gotten so much better he has slept through the night a couple of times with a "dream feed." Ive kind of become the mother that lets there child cry it out a bit. I know he's fed, has a clean diaper and isnt too hot or cold. I may come off as a tough mom to some people but If it works for me then thats how im going to do it. Zack is such a good boy i hardly have to hear him cry so thats a good thing for me. Well we love you all very much and hope your all doing well.
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