Do you remember your favorite part of Summer when you were a kid? I remember riding my bike up and down my street, jumping on the trampoline with the sprinklers running, going to the pool and never wanting to get out, spending a whole day reading the first few Harry Potter books but the biggest memories I have is going to the beach. My family would make a yearly trip down to South Padre Island. I only remember a handful of times that my parents actually took us but they were the most memorable summer vacations we had. I used to love the beach. We would spend at the very least 4 days on the beach. The days were filled with sunshine and the nights we would hunt for crabs or should I say we would find them and run away screaming. They were some really good times that are embedded in my memory forever.

Continuing with the beach tradition we took Zack to buckroe beach this past weekend and it was interesting to say the least. Of course I am pregnant so I felt like a whale but it was so nice to bury my feet in the warm sand. Now being a mom of a very adventurous boy I should have realized that he would find a big hole and just dig in the sand. Seriously I don't think I have seen a child loves sand so much. The downside of all the sand is I think he got some in places that even he hasn't discovered yet. The other downside is even with sunblock my back got burnt :( not too bad to where I have a fever but it really itches and I have a giant red and white X on my back. It's very attractive since it goes well with my stretch marks. Then of course with our luck the cleaning station was broken so we had to drive home in salt water and sand. I don't think Zack cared too much about it but Steven and I felt really gross. To say the least this was not the best trip to the beach we have had.
This week while thinking of something creative to write with the beach pictures. I realized how negative I was about being at the beach. With the sand, sun and fishy water I wasn't being the most positive mom in the world. I have decided to change that everyday from here on out I am going to try and live happily. I am going to remember always how I felt at the beach when I was little and tell myself that this is their moment. Before I know it Zack will be all grown up and I will miss the joy on his face at the beach. I don't want them to remember mom complaining about the heat and sand in her crotch. I want them to tell people how cool mom was because she would let them bury her or that she would be the first in the water. We are our kids greatest influences and I for sure don't want to raise a bunch of whiners. Not that we were whining but we were for sure complaining about it. So that is my life lesson this week. Be happy, never regret, and make things the best for my kids regardless of how icky I feel or how huge I am. Life is short and we need to take advantage of these moments while we can.