Sunshine, Weddings, and Love

Saturday, April 7, 2012
This trip to New Mexico has been insanely busy but wonderful. Seeing family and friends and just enjoying some darn good Mexican food. I think I have gained 10 pounds since being but I really could care less. I don't eat to live; I live to eat. I have been so busy eating that I have neglected my beautiful blogging. I really actually have been missing my blogging time. To catch you all up on things going on in between good food and being busy. We have just been enjoying our time with family. I just love them. For the last few weeks we have been prepping for my brothers wedding and today was the day.
I had the pleasure to officiate their marriage. I gained out of all this an amazing sister-in-law, Jessica. She and I have become best friends in a very short period of time and I think when we leave here I am going to be saddest about leaving her. I just don't know what I will do without all the bridesmaids and steel magnolias references. I am so happy for them and can't wait for them to visit us in Japan.

I can't believe we move in 16 days. I am for sure excited to have our own space again and I don't think we will be spending this long in Las Cruces again. It just takes a lot out of us and the boys. I know Zack misses Virginia because he constantly talks about it. I hope he will be so excited with his new friends and school that Virginia will become a distant memory. I know the one thing I miss about living on the coast is the humidity. Thank goodness Japan is humid. This dry weather is killing me! On the bright side it has been beautiful weather lately and I think I might be getting a tan. This for a woman who refuses to lay out in the sun or even a tanning bed to tan and slabs on a ridiculous amount of  SPF50+ is a big deal. I don't mind my natural skin color but it is for sure nice to get a little darkness to it and it doesn't take much for me to tan. I am also working on my fitness. I have started pilates and am trying to run 3 times a week. I want to get back in shape before we have another baby. Here I go rambling on. I am going to continue to try and update as often as possible. This is just dependent on my time given for computer time. I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful spring weather because summer is right around the corner and I have a feeling it's going to be a hot one.

All my love

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