Going Granola

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

(Top Row from left to right: Hoot, Chunky Monkey, Blue Giraffe. 2nd Row Double Chocolate, Mint Chocolate Chip. 3rd Row Moolicious, Cookies N' Cream, Orange Sherbert.)

Everyone probably knows by now based on my over excitement over this, that we have started to cloth diaper Eli. My report in this is officially I LOVE IT! I don't see why I didn't cloth with Zack it's so easy and really not as yucky as what you would expect. Now I have gotten mixed feelings about it and I just don't understand why. He's my son and that immediately means what goes on his little butt is mine and Stevens decision. Thankfully some of the comments from friends and family has brought a laugh and I am more than happy to educate so they can respect our decisions to make this change. Normally I wouldn't care what others think but I actually do feel strongly that cloth is better for a babies bottom than disposable so maybe my explanations will help another little bum out there be as comfy as possible.
Steven and I did do a lot of research before deciding on cloth. If you are considering to use cloth diapers I suggest to please find ones that work best for you and your family. If you honestly don't have any extra minutes to dedicate to washing them then I suggest you find a brand that requires less cleaning or maybe even a drop off service where they pick up your soiled diapers and bring you new ones. Unfortunately this choice was not an option for us since it still costs more money and they don't offer it in Japan. So we jumped into the cloth diapering world head first. After much consideration and listening to my other cloth friends out there. We chose to go with the Best Bottom system. They have inserts and shells. It's as easy as snapping in the insert and putting the soiled one in a wet bag. We put in a small investment knowing that the amount we spend will benefit us greatly in the long run. So far they have exceeded our expectations. So just for fun I have created a list of reasons why I love cloth diapering....
1.) Money, this is the main reason why we made the switch and was also the way Steven was convinced to switch as well.

2.) Clean, now you're probably thinking how is having a bunch of diapers in a bag waiting to be washed cleaner than just throwing them away? Well my friends they are washed everyday and put away there is no pile of nasty disposables in my trashcan which means a lighter trash bag for Steven to take out at night.

3.) No leaks! Usually when Eli poops in a disposable he leaks up his back into his hair and armpits. I don't know how in the world this is possible but it happens and it's gross. Since using his new diapers we have had zero leaks even with the poops that sound and look like a bomb went off in his pants. The diaper shell keeps it all in! This also means no more stains on his cute little clothes.

4.) Easy to use. Once you get used to the snaps and what's comfortable for the baby it's just like changing a regular diaper.

5.) I enjoy cleaning them. "WHAT??!?!?!?!?!" Is probably what's going through your mind. But I love knowing what's going on my babies bottom. We use a special detergent called Rockin Green and it works so well. All the ingredients are listed and it is scented but not strongly to make they diapers icky afterwards. As I said I wash them daily I empty the wet bag contents into the washer. First I rinse on cold, then wash with 3tbs of rockin green on hot, and then do one final rinse on warm. When they are washed I hang up the shells and tumble dry the inserts. If any stains made it on them I simply hang them outside to get some sun and it naturally bleaches the stains away. Easy!

6.) Steven likes them. He actually isn't bothered by changing them because I think the poop stays in place. There are even times he asks me before I change Eli if he could do it. Of course I step aside and let him indulge in diaper fun.

7.) Less night time diapers. We use the overnight inserts with a regular insert in a shell. He goes to bed at 9pm and is in the same diaper until 4-5am. Less night changes=longer sleep periods.

8.) Soft and comfy. The part of the insert that touches his skin is a soft fleece. I can only imagine how comfy he feels in them.

9.) No rashes....yet. Eli was getting a lot of rashes in other diapers. I never really thought it would be because of the chemicals in the diapers that made him break out. Since switching he has had ZERO rashes.

10.) They are super cute! Just look at our rollie pollie in them. My favorites are a toss up between Hoot and Moolicious. Steven loves Orange Sherbert!

Along with cloth diapering we are also making other changes in our household. Flannel wipes, comfort nursing, baby wearing, less processed foods, making my own laundry soap and less TV. Were trying to do better for our family by making healthy choices. I hope you are inspired to do the same.

So Thankful...

Monday, November 28, 2011
This year we had a very wonderful Thanksgiving. It is always nice to just stay home and relax for the Holidays. Steven had duty the day of Thanksgiving so we weren't able to really celebrate until the Friday after. I cooked the whole meal and it came out great. We enjoyed a honey glazed turkey, creamy mashed potatoes, stuffing, green bean casserole, orange cranberry sauce and don't forget the pumpkin pie. We even had a friend of Stevens stop in so he wouldn't be spending Thanksgiving alone. Zack had a blast he ate his whole plate and the day before he and I enjoyed some hot cocoa and cinnamon rolls while we watched the parade. His favorite parts were the balloons and marching bands. This year we have so much to be thankful for. Elijah has been the most precious addition to our little family. He is a sweet little guy and has the best big brother ever. Zack loves him, he wants to kiss him and hug him all the time. When Zack is around being silly Elijah just stares and smiles at him. We can already tell they are going to be best friends when they grow up. It still amazes me that these boys are mine and one day they are going to be men just like their Daddy. I am so thankful for them because without them my life would be extremely boring. 
Have a wonderful work week everyone. Of course what would a blog be without some pictures of the boys I am so thankful for. 
PS. That cow print is Elijahs new cloth diapers! More on those later.

Friends, Chuckee, and Fish

Sunday, November 27, 2011
On November 22nd we celebrated Zacks 3rd birthday. It was a day filled with Zacks favorite things we got a few of his friends together for a party at Chuckee Cheese complete with a Nemo cake. Earlier in the day we took him to the Aquarium where he was surrounded by more fish. Right now Zack is in love with Finding Nemo so we were able to include that in everything. It was such an amazing day and not once did I see him not smiling. We are so incredibly blessed to have him in our lives. He is our little wild man and I love him so much.

The Spiderman Chronicles

Halloween was quite the adventure this year. Zack dressed up as spiderman and this was his first time going to a Halloween party for school. We even let him pick out his costume this year so it was all about him. The best way for me to tell you about Halloween is to show you pictures of it all. We will start off with......
Spiderman Goes to School

After school we had some good down time before heading out to go get this get his candy. We went to one of Zacks friends from schools house, Ryan, and went with their family. Steven took the lead with 2 four year olds and 2 almost three years olds. Don't worry Steven survived and kept all his little duckies in a row. It was a lot of fun and the neighborhood we went to had so many houses that went all out it was awesome!

Spiderman Gets His Candy

Halloween was a hit and we are already excited for next year! We are not sure what Zack will go as but he will pick again next year and this time Eli will be dressed to go somewhere too. We will also be in Japan!