Just because he is so cute

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ok I just had to post these adorable pics of Zack. He is just so fun at this age. He rolls all around and giggles and laughs. He is trying real hard to crawl but he has'nt figured out that he needs arm strength to do so. So he scoots around on his tummy or to get a toy he rolls to it. He has a tooth coming in on the bottom. He is just g
rowing so fast and I cant wait for what's to come. Steven will be enjoying it all with us very soon. He is so excited to meet his son. And I hope these pictures make his day so much better. We love you Daddy so much and YOU WILL BE HOME SOON! So don't stress the small stuff because you have so much more to look forward to. We love everybody so much check back soon for easter pics.

He was just so happy to be a baby today

He kept looking at me and laughing so much for no reason
It was so cute look at him he was just cracking up!
Then he rolled over and he kept laughing and watching me

Everytime i moved he laughed so much 

then he realized the camera was there

and i said "whats wrong?" and he laughed some more
My little gerber baby


Monday, March 23, 2009
"Ooooooo mommies giving me something new!"

"What did you just give me?!"

"Ok ill try it again. No seriously give me that food!!!"

"Ok mom im full time to watch the game"

Well today Zack started on solids. And he loved it! He was grabbing my hand and pulling the spoon to his mouth. He made some funny faces but he started to get excited everytime he saw the spoon coming towards him. I put him in the bumbo at first but he needs to be holding himself up a bit better before we do the bumbo so I moved him to his bouncer. We started him with simple rice cereal im going to add a bit apple juice in it tomorrow to help with digestion and taste and ummm.....smell. haha Next new food is sweet peas. We love you very much and its 24 more days now! :)

And now a video of this wonderful new experience

Zacks 4 months!

"Thats Right I'm Mommies All American Heartbreaker....at least thats what my shirt says."

"Dont take a picture of me while im farting mom!"

"How you doin'?"

"Yummy Fingers"

I know I seem to say this alot. But I cannot believe that Zack is 4 months old now. He has grown so much and is doing so well. Everyday is different for us and Im thankful for every minute i get to be with him. He is a happy chubby little boy. Smiles, Rolls and Giggles all day. Sleeping has gotten so much better he has slept through the night a couple of times with a "dream feed." Ive kind of become the mother that lets there child cry it out a bit. I know he's fed, has a clean diaper and isnt too hot or cold. I may come off as a tough mom to some people but If it works for me then thats how im going to do it. Zack is such a good boy i hardly have to hear him cry so thats a good thing for me. Well we love you all very much and hope your all doing well. 


Thursday, March 19, 2009
So last night was another milestone reached. My sweet little boy was put to bed at 8pm and didnt wake up till 9am. Now i still dream fed him at midnight but he was sound asleep during that feeding. Im so proud of him and myself. I slept in my own bed last night. I had a panic attack when I woke up around 8:30 this morning and looked at the clock. I thought something was for sure wrong with him. I ran into his room and he was sound asleep. Now the beggining of the night he still wakes up alot but i just leave him in there. I think he's learning that im not going to run to him everytime he whines. If I did that nobody would get any sleep in this apartment. I cant wait for tonight!

 So both my kiddo and I are getting better sleep. And its all thanks to that wonderful crib. Oh and Johanna she gave me the best advice. Thanks friend! Well thats all we love everyone very much.

Yay Zacky!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Zack rolled from his back to his tummy!!! Im so proud! just wanted everyone to know that a milestone has been reached yay! Ok goodnight love ya all 


Monday, March 16, 2009

"Mom just is the best designer ever" -Zack
Moms new favorite piece of furniture

Well Zacks nursery is pretty much complete. We only need to put a few things up on the wall. And put up his blackout curtains and we are complete. He's already sleeping in his own crib. I was so surprised this week when i decided to just lay him down awake and see what happened. I was already getting frustrated and needed to take a break so i layed him down (on his back) he whined for a few minutes and then it got quiet. I went to check on him and he was out! He slept for his whole nap. So that is a serious difference from rocking him to sleep every nap and bedtime. Although we love to sit in the glider he watches and laughs at the monkeys on the wall its so fun. Well here are a few pics for you to look at. Hope you enjoy much love from the zman and mamma

Grabbing and discovering new things

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Concentrating on grabbing his ele he needs to put down his nuby first

He's concentrating real hard on grabbing his ele
Well things have been going well. Ive been very busy working on Zacks nursery. We are almost done just a few more wall decorations and were done! Ill have pictures posted of his room very soon! Stevens doing well he will be home very soon to us. So i've also been very busy reorganizing and cleaning every inch of our place. Zack has a tooth coming in! I see it and feel it under his gum. but his gums have been swollen so the poor guy is hurting. He has been grabbing things like crazy. Then he puts them in his mouth. Sometimes he will stare at a toy and concentrate real hard then he will reach for it. He talks alot to just babbles about everything. When the tv is on he will talk back to all the people on the screen. Did i mention he loves tv. He rarely gets it but he will sit and stare when its on. He especially loves all the girls on american idol. Well ill post more next time. Have a very good day. With all our love!
Zacky and Mamma